Controlling the LEDs with switches and buttons
This is an embellishment of the previous post on programming the FPGA on the ZYBO board to control the LEDs. This time I programmed the first LED to merely blink at 1 Hz with an enable switch and reset button. The other three LEDs are controlled by a single logic gate (AND, OR and XOR) between the corresponding switch and button. Here is the code - all steps in my previous post apply, though all the buttons and switched will have to be uncommented in the XDC file in addition to the LEDs.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module switches_and_buttons( output reg [3:0] led, input [3:0] btn, input [3:0] sw, input clk ); reg [25:0] counter; reg one_sec_clk; wire rst; wire en; assign rst = btn[0]; assign en = sw[0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin counter <= 0; one_sec_clk <= 0; end else if (en) begin if (counter == 26'd62500000) begin counter <= 0; one_sec_clk <= ~one_sec_clk; end else begin counter <= counter + 1; end end end always @ (one_sec_clk, btn, sw) begin led[0] = one_sec_clk; led[1] = btn[1] || sw[1]; led[2] = btn[2] ^ sw[2]; led[3] = btn[3] && sw[3]; end endmodule
As you can see, I have a counter running to 62.5M, cutting the 125 MHz clock in half. The reset (rst) is attached to the first button (btn[0]) and the enable (en) is attached to the first switch (sw[0]). The other button/switch pairs are used to set the remaining LEDs in the second (combinational) always block and are operating rather independently of the first blinking LED.
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